• R L • powell

  • Author Reading
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  • Poetry
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  • Writing Workshop

𐤟 R L 𐤟 powell [ he :: they] is a queer & neurodivergent writer, educator, and editor of poetry & prose. They have degrees in English literature from the University of Toronto, and Queen's University, Kingston. Until recently, they were engaged in doctoral studies in American modernism at the UofT, but as their focus has shifted away from academic research, they departed the Phd program in English, ABD.  Over the past number of years, · R L ·  has been teaching rhetoric, theory, and American literature at the undergraduate level, and continues to maintain an active interest as an educator, focusing on critical thinking, literature, creative writing, and poetics. You can find them online at :: rl-powell.com

· R L · is an MFA candidate in Writing and Literature at the Bennington Writing Seminars, Vermont. Recent examples of their poetry can be found in publications such as Haven Spec, Rising Pheonix Review, Impossible Archetype, the Eunoia Review—with more appearing and forthcoming elsewhere. He is additionally in the later stages of completing his first full length poetry manuscript, Any Cure as Flat as Salt.

Beyond their own creative and writing practice, · R L · is at work developing a new online literary journal, aprosexia, as its founding editor. This project’s underlying mission is to welcome the poetry and flash-fiction created by and within the neurodivergent & queer communities—as well as those marginalized voices involved and/or affected by mental health and disability. Additional information on this project can be expected to be announced soon—but any inquires regarding volunteer opertunities, or its develpment more generally, are very much encouraged. Please feel free to reach out by email at ::  impensive@icloud.com.

More than any of this, · R L · is always ready to do what they can to support creative voices, and the essential part that art must play in a world that sorely needs it. To this end, he would would like to remind you that you are doing a magnificent job of being yourself.

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