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Development Officer - The Disability Collective
Application Deadline:
July 26, 2024 at 11:59 pm
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Call for Assistant Designer – Set/Props & Costume
Application Deadline:
July 26, 2024 at 5:00 pm
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Crowd Spotlight

Robin Lacambra

  • Collective Creation
  • Fiction
  • Memoir
  • Modern dance
  • Non-Fiction
  • Storytelling

The various branches of my work are rooted in collective, personal and intergenerational healing, remembering and liberation. I seek to explore what is held and trapped in my body and move through what wants to be expressed or released. I seek to understand the historic stories that influence my present. I hope to illuminate the bridges that connect us all. Whether it's through writing, facilitation, experience creation or movement, these works are fuelled by this curiosity and commitment to the interconnection between my healing and yours.

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