Fresh Moses

  • Interactive
  • Mixed Media
  • Storytelling
  • World Music

I am an open-format DJ from Hamilton and working across the GTHA. My passion for making you move your feet is undeniable and I love seamlessly transitioning between contemporary tracks and the oldies you forgot you loved. I have over 5 years of experience DJing and activating in the nightlife and arts scene. To date, my largest performance was at History concert venue in Toronto opening up for Sean Paul.

My practice involves creative storytelling through sound and music as a form of resistance. I am an advocate for women and underrepresented groups entering the world of DJing and have contributed to educational initiatives and training for folks interested in pursuing DJing. I have a particular interest in community building and using art as a tool to facilitate dialogue around social and economic topics. I became a Certified Facilitator in 2023 which enables me to more effectively lead workshops and learning initiatives.

I've have the privilege of creating some really interesting artistic projects that transcend more than just sound. These opportunities have provided me with valuable experience in overseeing the entire project lifecycle from curation to managing budgets, all while working across different artistic disciplines. Check out a few samples of my work below.

My Work

My Events

My Employment Opportunities

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