Cesar C. Cordoba

Cesar F. Correa Cordoba was born in Mexico city , 1984.

Painter, sculptor, artesian and musician.

As a child he began to develop his talents; exploring drawing and painting techniques, experimenting in his own artistic self-education, and playing in different mediums. He attended different workshops and learnt in cultural centres in Mexico city. He began to use techniques fused with various traditional mediums; ceramics, weaving, paints, wood, metal, glass, and paper, among others.

In his process of experimentation, his style grew with a focus on organic sculptures, developing a technique incorporating plants, seeds, peels, and natural materials collected from different regions of Mexico. This process has evolved over the past 18 years.

A self-taught musician, develops his technique of experimentation and contact with musicians from different currents in Mexico and Canada, composes electronic pieces with keyboards, accordion, piano and electronic mediums based on improvisations pieces . He has collaborated different bands and musicians from different countries. He also collaborated in theater, performance and shortfilms .

9 Lansdowne , Hamilton Ontario

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