Ainsley Ashby

  • Cartoon
  • Children’s Literature
  • Experimental
  • Fine art
  • Graphic Arts/Comics
  • Illustrations
  • Mixed Media
  • Mural
  • Painting
  • Storytelling

Ainsley is an expert illustrator with extensive experience developing creative content for high calibre clients worldwide. Ainsley has worked in a range of industries that include communications, advertising, marketing, publishing, and editorial. She drives ideas forward with distinctive conceptual approaches and brings ideas to life with precision and flair. Ainsley is skilled in a diverse spectrum of tools and techniques which include digital and traditional mediums.

Ainsley's passion project is Globetrotter, a syndicated comic strip running exclusively on GoComics. Globetrotter is inspired by Ainsley's personal travel experiences. Ainsley has travelled to 30+ countries to date, spanning Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America, and has lived in Canada, Norway, Germany, and England. These experiences have added greatly to Ainsley's ability to write her comic strip in the most authentic way possible. Ainsley's unique travel adventures abroad have imbued Globetrotter with humour, excitement, and inclusivity, making it a diverse and adventure-driven comic strip. Globetrotter is the world's pioneering travel-focused comic strip.

When Ainsley isn't creating illustrations for clients or making picture jokes for Globetrotter, she can be found at home in Hamilton with her partner and their two cats (and usually a foster pup), where she enjoys speaking softly to her many plant babies. Ainsley is also a new member of the Women's Art Association of Hamilton (WAAH), and is interested in expanding her relationships within the Hamilton art community. 

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