
  • Collage
  • Collective Creation
  • Contemporary
  • Design
  • Drawing
  • Film
  • Fine art
  • Graphic Arts/Comics
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustrations
  • Installations
  • Mixed Media
  • Multimedia
  • New Media
  • Photography
  • Poetry
  • Publishing

905print is a professional resource for Regional artists, creative print-based projects and your decor needs. From large format printing of your design content on canvas and fine papers, to luxury decor reproductions of contemporary and master works—we’ve got you covered. We are a Hamilton, Ontario-based business that is a resource to the creative community in our City and Region and we pride ourselves on developing long term relationships with our customers, and for helping local and Regional artists get their work printed and ready for galleries, clients, portfolios, and archives.

We have just opened our new location on historic Ottawa street offering a retail option for our customers. An exciting feature of our main level space is 905HLWY..a gallery exhibition space, programming six exhibitions a year of print-based work: traditional  print (lithography, silkscreen, intaglio, woodcut etc.), photography, book works, zines, graphic art,  textiles, multiples and mixed media from artists or collectives at various stages of their careers. 905HLWY offers two large walls comprising 40 running feet and a large installation project wall, on our main public floor with street access. We welcome proposals from local, regional, national and international artists.

The mandate of HLWY is to support artists engaging  with critical, conceptual, or experimental ideas and approaches. We also welcome and  we encourage, submissions from all communities which represent diverse perspectives.


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