Tamara Kwapich Bio and artist Statement:
Tamara Kwapich is a painter and sculptor who expresses her ideas through storytelling. Her work is deeply narrative, she finds the tactile and kinetic properties of clay perfectly suited to her style of artistic practice. Tamara's art invites viewers to engage with the story behind the piece and to find their own meaning in the symbols.
Tamara is an active member of the Poor Sisters Collective, a group of Hamilton region women sculptors; Nikola Wojewoda, Kara Bunn, Julie Donec, Wendy Wilson, Heather Kuzyk, Michelle Lynn, Dawn Hackett-Burns, Laura Wells and Kristine Germann. The Poor Sisters came together in 2021, finding themselves distressed by the dark shift in society they gathered together to explore and confront what is monstrous in our world. Their first successful exhibition, The Monster Project, was held at Auchmar Mansion, Hamilton November 2024. They continue to explore the big ideas that intrigue us all.
Tamara Kwapich is a Burlington born artist with bachelor degrees in Fine art and landscape Architecture from the University of Guelph. She is an award winning artist creating and teaching out of her studio in Hamilton, Ontario.