I am an emerging multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Hamilton Ontario. At age 11 I moved to the Philippines to live with my mother's extended family, and spent my teen years integrating into rural Filipino society before returning to Canada, where I currently live. With personal struggles restricting much of my young life, I now try to move and play freely—with free play being my main artistic practice.
I think that art and beauty are already embedded into the fabric of our everyday lives; with the magic already all around us, and within us, and that artmaking-rules and conventions ruin the perfection of what is already naturally demonstrated by children who play freely: something pure, raw, honest, and unafraid. I think that free play can produce, or at least act as a study of that raw beauty. With this, my goal is to unlearn all of the conventions built into art making, with the hope of someday becoming exactly like a child.