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The Writer's Block Workshop

18 April 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What happens when you sit down to write? Do you freeze up? Do you freak out? Do you write a bunch and then throw it all away? Do you get close to finishing and then suddenly lose steam? Do you just stare at the blank page, not knowing where to start?

If any of this sounds like you, you might be suffering from writer’s block.

This unique 5-week workshop is run in Hamilton, Ontario in partnership with Staircase Theatre and the Cotton Factory. Each session uses creative writing techniques, philosophy, and psychology to help blocked writers move past their barriers. Together, we will uncover the true causes of your writer’s block and calibrate your writing mindset.

The goal? To establish the one foundational tool that all writers need: a process that works for you, not against you.

The Writer’s Block Workshop is designed, organized, and taught by 4-time CSA nominee Jacob Duarte Spiel. Jacob was a founding member of The Beaverton and has spent the last decade as a professional writer in TV, advertising, audio drama, radio, video games, and more. He is also a lifelong sufferer of writer’s block.

The Writer’s Block Workshop comprises of one 2-hour session a week, for 5 weeks. Each session has a lecture portion (with student participation) and activities specially designed to target different forms of writer’s block.


The Staircase Theatre
27 Dundurn St N.
Hamilton, L8R 3C9
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