You have played with fire! And hammered like a boss!
Now is your opportunity to expand on what you have learned in our Introductory Class! At your own pace and style, continue your metalsmithing education in our Intermediate Class. You will be introduced to new techniques and projects and receive one-on-one coaching to develop your own style in this varied and complex craft.
This class is repeatable and requires that you have taken our Introductory Class or have equivalent experience ( please contact Donna if you have not taken the Introductory Class: donna@donnahiebert.com )
Course fee includes materials. Metals offered are copper and brass. Please bring to the first class: a notebook, pencil, a dust mask, and a small container to store ongoing projects. If possible, please bring a pair of shoes to wear in the studio if the weather is messy.
You are welcome to wear a mask for protection from the Covid19 virus.
The class limit is 6.
8 weeks in duration.
January 10th - February 28th 2023
Tuesdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Instructor: Donna Hiebert, BFA
Classes are held in the Hammer Jewellery Studio School’s fully equipped studio:
72 James Street North, Suite 555, Hamilton Ontario, L8R 2K5