Splash’N Boots are a beloved Canadian children's music duo consisting of Nick Adams (Splash) and Taes Leavitt (Boots). With 20 years of experience, Splash’N Boots have become a household name, creating music and concert experiences that bring happiness and joy to children of all ages. Come to a live show. Because when yellow and blue come together, magic happens!
The 18 songs on their newest album, Love-a-by, (including nine songs with vocals and nine instrumental lullaby versions) are written as love songs for babies dedicated to establishing healthy connections and sense of security before bedtime. These attachment patterns can have a profound impact on children’s emotional and psychological well-being and Splash’N Boots’ goal with this album are to create a soundtrack for healthy bedtime routines.
Children 12 months and under do not require a ticket and can be in arms
*Wheelchair Accessible-Sold Out
*Please contact organizer for end time of event