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Proofed: Print Media and Working People

1 June 2022 at 10:00 am - 30 July 2022 at 4:00 pm

Proofed: Print Media and Working People
June 1 – July 30, 2022

Print media is a powerful and practical tool for working people. Posters are used in workplaces, on street corners and on picket lines. They communicate clear messages and inspire action. Pamphlets can vary from collective agreements to political writing and workers’ newsletters. They share precise information about the terms of work, workers’ news, and theory relating to workers’ place in the world. Historically much of the materials on view in the gallery were not precious, designed to be pinned up, marked up, and placed directly in workers’ hands.

This exhibition highlights some of the print material in our collection through the Programming and Exhibitions Specialist’s perspective. Can the cracked spines of brightly coloured collective agreements be beautiful? What does a worker’s writing in the margins on a labour agreement reveal about their relationship to work? Do workers’ newsletters and pamphlets have anything in common with zines? What value have working people lost as the legacy of worker-centered print media fades in the age of the internet?


Guided Exhibition Tour
Saturday June 25, 2-3pm
In-person at WAHC

Join WAHC’s Programming and Exhibitions Specialist Sonali Menezes for a free guided tour of the exhibition. Learn about what drew her to select the posters, pamphlets, books and newsletters from her perspective as an artist, printmaker and zinester. Gain historical insight into some of her favorite objects on view in the gallery.

Why Unionize?
In-person workshop, backyard at WAHC

Join local workers and activists as they answer the question: why unionize? They will cover the basics of how unions benefit workers and how the right to unionize fits into the broader concept of decent work. Learn about how the union wins at Amazon and Starbucks will improve workers’ lives and how a union might improve your workplace too. This is the perfect workshop for all of your burning union and decent work related questions!

Your safety is important to us. To visit WAHC, proof of vaccination and masks are mandatory. Please read our full COVID protocols before visiting HERE.

WAHC wishes to acknowledge the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Hamilton, the Province of Ontario, CUPE, the Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario, the Canada Council for the Arts, OSSTF and ONA for their support of our exhibitions and ancillary programs.

WAHC is located on the traditional territories of the Erie, Wendat, Neutrals, Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe as governed by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Covenant.

For more information, please contact Sonali Menezes, Program and Exhibitions Specialist, at (905) 522-3003 ex. 29 or sonali@wahc-museum.ca

51 Stuart Street | Hamilton, Ontario | (905) 522-3003
Open Wednesday to Friday 10 am – 4 pm and Saturdays 12 pm – 4 pm
Admission is free. Our building is fully accessible.

Twitter: @WAHC
Facebook: WorkersArtsandHeritageCentre
Instagram: @workersartsandheritage


1 June 2022 at 10:00 am
30 July 2022 at 4:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
905 522 3003
View Organizer Website


Wheelchair accessible


Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
51 Stuart Street
Hamilton, L8L 1B5
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Proofed: Print Media and Working People
June 1 – July 30, 2022

Print media is a powerful and practical tool for working people. Posters are used in workplaces, on street corners and on picket lines. They communicate clear messages and inspire action. Pamphlets can vary from collective agreements to political writing and workers’ newsletters. They share precise information about the terms of work, workers’ news, and theory relating to workers’ place in the world. Historically much of the materials on view in the gallery were not precious, designed to be pinned up, marked up, and placed directly in workers’ hands.

This exhibition highlights some of the print material in our collection through the Programming and Exhibitions Specialist’s perspective. Can the cracked spines of brightly coloured collective agreements be beautiful? What does a worker’s writing in the margins on a labour agreement reveal about their relationship to work? Do workers’ newsletters and pamphlets have anything in common with zines? What value have working people lost as the legacy of worker-centered print media fades in the age of the internet?


Guided Exhibition Tour
Saturday June 25, 2-3pm
In-person at WAHC

Join WAHC’s Programming and Exhibitions Specialist Sonali Menezes for a free guided tour of the exhibition. Learn about what drew her to select the posters, pamphlets, books and newsletters from her perspective as an artist, printmaker and zinester. Gain historical insight into some of her favorite objects on view in the gallery.

Why Unionize?
In-person workshop, backyard at WAHC

Join local workers and activists as they answer the question: why unionize? They will cover the basics of how unions benefit workers and how the right to unionize fits into the broader concept of decent work. Learn about how the union wins at Amazon and Starbucks will improve workers’ lives and how a union might improve your workplace too. This is the perfect workshop for all of your burning union and decent work related questions!

Your safety is important to us. To visit WAHC, proof of vaccination and masks are mandatory. Please read our full COVID protocols before visiting HERE.

WAHC wishes to acknowledge the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Hamilton, the Province of Ontario, CUPE, the Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario, the Canada Council for the Arts, OSSTF and ONA for their support of our exhibitions and ancillary programs.

WAHC is located on the traditional territories of the Erie, Wendat, Neutrals, Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe as governed by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Covenant.

For more information, please contact Sonali Menezes, Program and Exhibitions Specialist, at (905) 522-3003 ex. 29 or sonali@wahc-museum.ca

51 Stuart Street | Hamilton, Ontario | (905) 522-3003
Open Wednesday to Friday 10 am – 4 pm and Saturdays 12 pm – 4 pm
Admission is free. Our building is fully accessible.

Twitter: @WAHC
Facebook: WorkersArtsandHeritageCentre
Instagram: @workersartsandheritage


1 June 2022 at 10:00 am
30 July 2022 at 4:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
905 522 3003
View Organizer Website


Wheelchair accessible


Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
51 Stuart Street
Hamilton, L8L 1B5
+ Google Map
View Venue Website
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