The Simpsons meets classical theatre in this quirky dark comedy!
Following an apocalyptic event, the remnants of humanity comfort themselves with the popular culture of their youth. A group of these survivors recount the Cape Feare episode of the Simpsons (at first by campfire, then later as an independent theatre company). Finally the play takes us 75 years in the future to see how the art of our time has become part of the theatre of the future.
Featuring: Evelyn Barber, Scott Buchanan, Gregory Cruikshank, Annalee Flint, Charles Lo Manto, Kiran Matharu, Kathleen Reilley and Justin Shaw
Director: Liz Buchanan
Music Director: Luis Arrojo
Stage Manager: David Faulknew-Rundle
Assistant Stage Manager/Set Designer: Pat Skinner
*The Gasworks is a wheelchair accessible venue* Please contact 9M Theatre if you have any further accessibility needs.
The Simpsons meets classical theatre in this quirky dark comedy!
Following an apocalyptic event, the remnants of humanity comfort themselves with the popular culture of their youth. A group of these survivors recount the Cape Feare episode of the Simpsons (at first by campfire, then later as an independent theatre company). Finally the play takes us 75 years in the future to see how the art of our time has become part of the theatre of the future.
Featuring: Evelyn Barber, Scott Buchanan, Gregory Cruikshank, Annalee Flint, Charles Lo Manto, Kiran Matharu, Kathleen Reilley and Justin Shaw
Director: Liz Buchanan
Music Director: Luis Arrojo
Stage Manager: David Faulknew-Rundle
Assistant Stage Manager/Set Designer: Pat Skinner
*The Gasworks is a wheelchair accessible venue* Please contact 9M Theatre if you have any further accessibility needs.