The Gore Park Summer Promenade is a free outdoor concert series that the Downtown Hamilton BIA runs in Gore Park during the summer. This year the Summer Promenade happens on Thursdays each week from 12 to 6 pm, with two concerts and a fun event in between each set. The first band will perform from 12 to 2 pm, there will be an activation from 2 to 4 pm, and the final band will take the stage from 4 to 6 pm. Seating and life-size games including connect 4, jenga and chess will be positioned throughout the park each Thursday, and there will be a variety of interesting vendors attending throughout the summer to share information about their organizations and the services that they provide. Weather permitting, there will be a food truck present every day of the Summer Promenade. The Summer Promenade is a rain-or-shine event with the exception of severe weather, and any necessary cancellations will be posted on our social media.