CRANK INTERNATIONAL ACTION FILM FESTIVAL is a unique experience that gives action and the makers of action, on and off the screen, a place to showcase their talent.
The first year of the festival will be a single-day event that will focus on bringing people from the action community to one place and letting them know that CRANK shares their vision of filmmaking and ass-kicking on screen.
We will be showcasing short ACTION films from around the world while giving appreciation and acknowledgment to the stunt community.
At CRANKIAFF, we want to celebrate our love for action films and the people who make them happen.
The stunts, the fights, the car chases, and other numerous on-screen spectacles!
It is our vision to make CRANK the place that will bring the community of action makers together where they can truly express their on-screen mayhem.
5:30 pm Doors open
6:15 pm Opening speech and introduction
6:30 – Screening of Films
9:15 pm– Specials guests and Awards followed by the Crank Film Festival Gala