Jessika is a Guyanese Canadian artist, who has been drawing since she was a child. Her inspiration for drawing started in her grandparents' home while watching her favourite cartoons. She attended Sheridan college and completed the Visual and Creative Arts program. After Sheridan, Jessika attended the University of Toronto and Sheridan's Art and Art History program where she received her Honours Bachelors degree. During her time in the program, her love for drawing had transitioned into a new love for painting.
Jessika's paintings are an extension of the ideas she developed while completing her undergraduate degree. She uses her practice as a way to emphasize the themes of physical health and mental well-being. She explores how the genre of still-life and landscapes can affect the viewer on an emotional and intellectual level. By keeping a close dialogue with historical works such as Caravaggio who has used the chiaroscuro technique to impact emotional intensity in the viewer, her creative impulse is to use vibrant colours with the purpose of manifesting happiness.
Her paintings of still-life respond to the contemporary trend of posting images of food on social media platforms, also known as " Food Porn Photography". She strives to reflect a healthy connection between food and body due to her passion for art and fitness.
With her landscapes, she explores ways to transport the viewer to a scenery where clarity is present and tension is absent. She welcomes viewers to find a meditative space and focus on their inner-self, by decompressing and emancipating from the chaotic world. To achieve this, she uses a paintbrush to paint in a similar way that is reminiscent to the pointillism technique. She creates soft, blended strokes, to produce a clean effect within the layers of paint. Jessika's process also involves using a palette knife because of the paintbrush's limitations in creating texture. This allows her to convey a perception of realism, within an imaginative atmosphere.
By applying abundant amounts of colourful pigments with soft strokes from her paintbrush, and spreading a sense of serenity with her palette knife, she continues to create artistic pieces that feeds the mind and caters to the soul.