My work explores the relationship between human movement and expression. I originate from Denver Colorado, where I received my BFA in fashion design with honors. I have relocated to Ontario, Canada where I am a permanent resident. I create fashion designs through pattern making, sewing, biomaterial, fiber art, rug tufting, and textile experimentation. I play with unconventional items to create exciting art pieces that can be interactive or worn. I am inspired to make fashion artistic, to bring forth creativity within the adornment of the human form. I strive to make my work sustainable and have knowledge of the life cycle of my art and the waste it attributes to the world.
My creative vision is to design tufted garments and accessories that can be used for editorial purposes. I aim to make unconventional garments, imagery that makes the audience question whether it is art or not. I hope to create conversation amongst viewers that pushes dialogue of what art is and what it can be.